Explore. Connect. Apply
The Salt Light Book Club has developed into a rich and diverse community of book-loving leaders and learners curious about the art and science of decision-making.
We meet regularly enough (usually monthly) to maintain a healthy momentum and balance with other commitments. We aim to provide a stimulating thinking environment, attracting leaders from around the world and from a variety of sectors and industries, and we are thoroughly enjoying journeying together.
Reading (or listening to) books is such a great way to develop; broadening perspectives, challenging assumptions, exposing biases and encouraging creativity. Whether we agree with the author or not, the key lies in what we learn and what we reflect on, staying curious and reading critically.
The books we are reading each focus on a different aspect of decision-making, and leadership.
Some of our Favourite Decision Books

Jasbir Kooner, MBA
A quick message to say thank you for organizing the bookclub. There are so many diverse opinions that it makes me rethink the book in different ways that I would not have been capable of doing on my own. I look forward to the next session..